- Best MRI Available & Installed upgraded new Toshiba-Alexion Multi Slice (16 Slice ) CT Machine at Dharwad NMR Scan Centre.
Alexion is designed with the latest in hardware, software and reconstruction technology to keep pace with a busy work load.
CT Scan
CT scans produce multi-slice images of the body using x-rays and a computer. The state of-the-art Helical Toshiba Asteion used at NMR produces cross-sectional slices using 0.5 mm detector technology with excellent low contrast as well as high contrast resolution and tilted helical scanning. It reveals details in images you can acquire only with the Quantum technology making it the most important feature of this CT Scanner.
120kV; 299mA; 0.75s rotation time; 150mAs; Helical Pitch 3.0(0.75:1);200mAs effective; 0.5mm slice thickness |
120kV; 200mA; 0.75s rotation time; 150mAs; Helical Pitch 5.5(1.375:1);109mAs effective; 5mm slice thickness | |
120kV; 200mA; 1.0s rotation time; 200mAs; Helical Pitch 3.0(0.75:1);265mAs effective; 2mm slice thickness | |
120kV; 299mA; 0.75s rotation time; 150mAs; Helical Pitch 5.5(1.375:1);109mAs effective; 2mm slice thickness |
Indications for Brain CT Scan include but are not limited to:
- Epilepsy
- Hemiplegia
- Head injury
- Hydrocephalus
- Coma
- Mental retardation
- Anosmia
- Diabetes Insipidus
- Frontal lobe syndrome
- Hallucination
- Papilloedema
- Deafness
- Visual loss
- Exophthalmos
Ultra Sonography: NMR uses top-of-the-line USG equipment capable of high-definition ultrasounds that can be viewed in any plane and in real-time modes. However, USG investigations are also cependent on the technique of the person conducting the examination, and their ability to understand the implications of what they a’e seeing. NMR has highly skilled and experienced specialist doctors performing all investigations including USG.
Digital X-Ray: X-ray beams are captured on specially designed digital detectors converting them into electronic signals, which are then sent to a computer.
Orthopentogram (OPG): OPG provides panoramic view of the jaw. This is specially useful for patients with jaw trauma & dental diseases.
Endoscopy and Colonoscopy: NMR is well known as a centre of excellence in diagnostic endoscopy owing to reputed practitioners and use of latest technology.
EchoCardiography: ECG at NMR allows accurate measurement of the heart chambers. Sophisticated and advanced 2-D Echo imaging displays a cross-sectional slice” of the beatng heart, including the chambers, valves and the major blood vessels that exit from the left and right ventricle.
Routine and Specialised Laboratory Tests: Highly sophisticated, fully computerized, the NMR iab is equipped with latest hi-tech instruments and back-uo for all kinds of routine and specialized lab tests from Haematology, Clinical Pathology. Bio- Chemistry, Histopathology, Serology, Microbiology, Profiles and Hormone Study by Widal.